Earn 2%+ per Day -- 60%+ per Month! Increase Earnings with Daily Compounding! No Sponsoring Requirements!
Two-Tier Referral Bonuses: 10% and 5%! Daily Withdrawals!
Revolutionary Breakthrough Makes JSS-Tripler Indefinitely Sustainable!
See JSS-Tripler FAQ for More Details.
The 2% Daily Earnings are added to JSS-Tripler accounts at approximately 12:05 PM CST every day.
Lesson #1
Considerable money can be made with cash-back advertising programs -- see "Scorecard" above -- particularly if you get in early, you sponsor people, and you do some compounding.
Because JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) is indefinitely sustainable, some members are likely to earn much more! (AV4U paid 10% referral commission on the first level and 5% on the second; JSS pays 25% on the first level and 12.5% on the second!)
JSS triples your money! (What makes it possible for JSS to pay such high referral commissions is that they're paid after your money has been multiplied! Typically, programs like AV4U pay referral commissions based on sales, i.e. "up front.")
Lesson #2
Cash-back advertising programs can fail, particularly if "momentum" is "broken." ("Momentum" refers to rate of growth in terms of new members and new revenue coming in. A momentum slowdown can become like a "negative snowball.") With the typical cash-back advertising program, if a slowdown occurs, there's nothing practical individuals can do to increase their earnings.
JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) overcomes this fatal flaw with its "2x2 expiring matrix." No matter what happens to the rest of the program, individual members can always fill their own matrixes and triple their money! (To fill your 2x2 matrix, you sponsor 2 who each sponsor 2; or you sponsor 6 people yourself.)
Lesson #3
JSS has no sponsoring requirements. This is similar to programs like AV4U. With JSS, a member can have up to 1,000 unexpired $20 positions. If a member buys 100 positions, 99 are used as spillover to help other members fill their matrixes. This generates extensive synergy -- hence the name "JBP's Synergy Surf."
In JSS, members can buy "placements" for just $5 each. When members' multiple positions are used as spillover, placements get preference. This enables passive JSS members to fill their matrixes, and double their money or better.
Lesson #4
Applying 3 basic risk-handling rules is vital for members of cash-back advertising programs:
- Don't risk more money than you can afford to lose.
- Diversify by putting money into several programs.
- Withdraw some earnings to reach your break-even point (recover the money you originally risked) with each program as soon as convenient. Then parlay some of your profits to increase future earnings.
Lesson #5
JSS has been designed by Frederick Mann. He has been involved with literally hundreds of programs with designs similar to AV4U since 1993. He has earned hundreds of thousands with such programs. He has learned a great deal about what makes some of these programs last longer than others, and why they tend to fail.
The JSS design incorporates a certain powerful "sustainability factors" that make JSS indefinitely sustainable! This is a huge breakthrough!
AV4U failed because its business model was such that it couldn't survive a temporary slowdown when its script had to be replaced, because of security weaknesses that enabled hackers to get into the program and cause problems.
The JSS system incorporates advanced security measures. Our programmers and administrators have many years of experience with similar programs and advanced security measures.
Lesson #6
Some programs fail because they grow too fast in the beginning. Too much money comes in too quickly. After that, the new money coming in is insufficient to keep the program growing. As a result, it slows down and stalls. The JSS design includes sophisticated "growth control measures" to ensure that it doesn't grow too fast in the beginning.
Lesson #7
There's a "market segment" of maybe around 10 million people who participate in programs with design flaws that make them unsustainable. Once they find out about us, many will put their money into JSS because of The Vastly Superior Design of JSS!
JBP's Synergy Surf is likely to become theWorld's Best, Most Profitable, and Longest-Lasting Surf/Passive Program in History!
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